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90%+ pass rates in July MRCOG exams: StudyMRCOG solidifies its premier status
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) has released the results for the July MRCOG Part 1 and Part 2 exams. With both exams boasting a pass rate exceeding 90%, StudyMRCOG has reaffirmed its status as the premier choice for MRCOG preparation.
The results were published within a month of the exams, and candidates are advised to check the official RCOG website for any updates. Successful candidates will also receive their results directly via mail from the RCOG examination department.
At StudyMRCOG, we are thrilled to report that our students achieved a 94% pass rate in the MRCOG Part 1 exam and a remarkable 96% pass rate in the MRCOG Part 2 exam. These outstanding results underscore the quality of our training programs and our commitment to helping medical professionals achieve their career goals.
See what our students are saying!
“Thank you, team StudyMEDIC, for letting me taste success. It’s been 20 years since my PG, and this was the first exam I have taken since then. I was very afraid of what I would do with a busy practice, but StudyMEDIC made my dream come true,” says Dr. Yamini Manker, an MRCOG Part 1 Ace course student.
“StudyMEDIC was very helpful for me to prepare at the last minute. As I was working as well, this platform was very useful. Especially, the Telegram intensive hour group was extremely helpful. Thank you, team, once again,” says an MRCOG Part 1 student, Dr. Swathi Rajkumar.
“StudyMRCOG has helped me clear both Part 1 and Part 2. The platform answered all my doubts and provided the best MCQ examples. Thank you for everything, and a special thanks to Dr. Sowmya Ma’am for her constant help and support. I also appreciate the StudyMRCOG team for answering doubts and the technical team for always assisting with the app and website,” says Dr. Arnav Pai, an MRCOG Part 2 student.
At StudyMRCOG, we take immense pride in our students’ achievements and remain dedicated to offering top-notch education and support. Congratulations to all our successful candidates! For those preparing for future exams, StudyMRCOG is here to guide you every step of the way. Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries.
By : Admin