Frequently Asked Questions

Home Frequently Asked Questions

I have passed the MRCOG but have not received my certificate. Who should I contact?

Please email the Membership team at or call +44 20 7772 6248.

After passing the Part 2 MRCOG written exam, do I have to appear for the immediately succeeding Part 3 MRCOG?

No. Candidates who pass the Part 2 MRCOG written exam must attempt the Part 3 MRCOG clinical assessment within 7 years (pro rata). If they do not attempt the Part 3 MRCOG clinical assessment within this timeframe, they will be required to take the Part 2 MRCOG exam again.

How many times can I attempt the Part 3 MRCOG?

Candidates are permitted 4 attempts at the Part 3 MRCOG. Candidates who do not pass after 4 attempts are required to take the Part 2 MRCOG exam again. College does require you to have attempted the Part 3 at least once within 7 years after passing the Part 2 MRCOG

Can I postpone my exam?

The regulations state that candidates who withdraw their application for a particular exam after the closing date, or who fail to appear, shall forfeit the exam fee. The application forms include a reminder of this regulation. This means the College cannot refund your entry fee after an exam’s closing date and your candidature for the exam will remain. The College cannot make changes or transfers of centres after the closing date. If you fail to attend the exam, your entry will not be counted as an attempt. In certain prescribed circumstances, the College does consider refunding the entry fee. If you wish to apply for this, please do so in writing (hard copy, not email or fax) to the Part 3 MRCOG Secretary at the RCOG at immediately after the exam you failed to attend, enclosing documentary evidence to support your circumstances.

Once I book the exam is it possible to change the dates?

RCOG regulations state that candidates who withdraw their application for a particular exam after the closing date, or who fail to appear, shall forfeit the exam fee. RCOG cannot make changes or transfers of centers after the closing date. If you fail to attend the exam, your entry will not be counted as an attempt.
In certain prescribed circumstances, the College does consider refunding the entry fee. If you wish to apply for this, please do so in writing (hard copy, not email or fax) to the Part 3 MRCOG Secretary at the RCOG immediately after the exam you failed to attend, enclosing documentary evidence to support your circumstances.

Do I need to get a VISA for appearing this exam?

All the information regarding the VISA shall be enquired to the relevant consulate. RCOG shall provide a letter of attendance for the exam if the candidate requested when applying the exam.

When will my entry ticket be sent to me?

Your entry ticket will be emailed to you approximately 4 weeks before your exam. You will need to print out your entry ticket and bring it with you to the exam, together with photographic identification.

What is the application procedure for MRCOG part 3?

Eligible candidates can apply for the Part 3 MRCOG online. The application period is only open for a short period of time. Any requests for special arrangements during the exam must be submitted before the closing date for applications. Refer the below link for more details

After passing the Part 2 MRCOG written exam, do I have to appear for the immediately succeeding Part 3 MRCOG?

No. Candidates who pass the Part 2 MRCOG written exam must attempt the Part 3 MRCOG clinical assessment within seven years (pro rata). If they do not attempt the Part 3 MRCOG clinical assessment within this timeframe, they will be required to take the Part 2 MRCOG exam again.

Is there a time limit between passing the Part 1 MRCOG and passing the Part 2 MRCOG?

No, but the College does require you to have attempted the Part 2 at least once within a certain period of time after passing the Part 1 or gaining exemption from the Part 1:
Candidates wishing to enter the UK Specialist Register must attempt the Part 2 within 7 years of passing/gaining exemption from the Part 1 (pro rata, to a maximum of 10 years)
All other candidates must attempt the Part 2 within 10 years of passing/gaining exemption from the Part 1

How many times can I attempt the Part 2 MRCOG?

Candidates in UK-based training who intend to enter the UK Specialist Register are permitted no more than 6 attempts at the Part 2 MRCOG. Candidates who wish to apply for the Part 2 MRCOG following 6 previous fails need to provide supporting documentation from their Head of School (or equivalent) outlining the exceptional reasons for permitting a further attempt at the exam.

Once I book the exam is it possible to change the dates?

RCOG regulations state that candidates who withdraw their application for a particular exam after the closing date, or who fail to appear, shall forfeit the exam fee. RCOG cannot make changes or transfers of centers after the closing date. If you fail to attend the exam, your entry will not be counted as an attempt.
In certain prescribed circumstances, the College does consider refunding the entry fee. If you wish to apply for this, please do so in writing (hard copy, not email or fax) to the Part 2 MRCOG Secretary at the RCOG immediately after the exam you failed to attend, enclosing documentary evidence to support your circumstances.

Do I need to get a VISA for appearing this exam?

All the information regarding the VISA shall be enquired to the relevant consulate. RCOG shall provide a letter of attendance for the exam if the candidate requested when applying the exam.

How long shall I wait after booking to get my exam entrance pass/ticket?

Candidate will receive the entrance ticket in approximately 4 weeks before your exam through email (registered with RCOG). You will need to print out your entrance ticket and bring it with you to the exam, together with photographic identification.

What are the required documents for MRCOG part 2?

Candidate would need a re-issued degree certificate or certificate of medical registration stating your new/married name, as well as a copy of your marriage certificate/affidavit showing both your former and your new name. Sending a marriage certificate/affidavit alone is not sufficient.

What is the application procedure for MRCOG part 2?

All candidates for the Part 2 MRCOG exam must apply online using credit, debit or net banking. Please refer the below link to access the booking page.

Can I obtain a certificate for passing the Part 1 MRCOG?

No. As the MRCOG is a three-part exam, certificates are only issued on completion of Part 3. Please retain your Part 1 pass letter as this is the only certification you’ll receive. RCOG doesn’t allow to use ‘Part 1 MRCOG’ on letterheads, business cards, nameplates etc.

How do apply to sit the Part 1 MRCOG?

Application for MRCOG Part 1 can be processed in two stages

  • Eligibility Application Submission and approval by RCOG
  • Booking your Application online

For full details about applying for eligibility, see How to book the Part 1 MRCOG exam. Resit candidates are already eligible and can proceed directly to booking.

How can I make the payments for the exam?

Once your eligibility form is approved, RCOG will officially notify you through email. After confirmation you can book your exams and all the payments are done through online using net banking or card payments.

What documents can provide as a proof of my primary medical degree?

-An original or an attested photocopy of your primary medical degree certificate
-An original or an attested photocopy of your medical registration certificate, provided it states your primary medical degree and university

How do I attest my supporting documents?

To correctly attest the copy of your primary medical degree/medical registration certificate:

  1. Photocopy your original degree/medical registration certificate
  2. Take the photocopy and the original certificate to one of the following acceptable signatories:

A Fellow or Member of the RCOG (he or she must quote their College registration number with the signature)

The British Embassy, the British High Commission or the British Council

Your own Embassy (if you are overseas at the time of application)

The University or hospital that issued the certificate

A solicitor or public notary

  1. Ask the signatory to sign/stamp the photocopy to confirm that it is a true copy of the original document. The signature/stamp must be clearly legible and in English. RCOG Fellows and Members must include their college registration number.
  2. Upload the signed/stamped photocopy, with the signature/stamp in ink, in the application form to the address given below. Please note: photocopied signatures/stamps are not valid and will not be accepted.

What if my degree/medical certificate isn’t in English?

Don’t worry, what you need to do is to submit an authorized translation of your degree certificate or medical registration certificate.

I am reattending the MRCOG Part 1 exam do I need to send my medical degree certificate to you again?

No. Resit candidates are already eligibile to book the exam. We need to see your degree certificate or attested copy once only.

How do I get my entrance ticket?

Your entrance ticket will be emailed to you approximately 4 weeks before your exam. You will need to print out your entrance ticket and bring it with you to the exam, together with photographic identification.

What if I need a visa to get to the exam venue?

At present all the exams are being performed online in Pearson VUE centers. If any changes, The College cannot advise you on this matter. Please contact the relevant consulate for information about any visa requirements before applying for the exam. If you need a letter from the Examination Department confirming your attendance at the exam, please inform us when applying for the exam, and ensure that you apply in good time.

Can I postpone/withdraw/transfer my exam?

The regulations state that candidates who withdraw their application for a particular exam after the closing date, or who fail to appear, shall forfeit the exam fee. This means the College can’t refund your entry fee after an exam’s closing date and your candidature for the exam will remain. If you fail to attend the exam, your entry will not be counted as an attempt. In certain prescribed circumstances, the College does consider refunding the entry fee. If you wish to apply for this, please do so in writing (hard copy, not email or fax) to the Part 1 MRCOG Secretary at the RCOG, enclosing documentary evidence to support your circumstances. Applications for refunds must be submitted within 1 month of the exam.

I’ve passed an O&G; exam in another country which I believe is equivalent to Part 1 MRCOG. Can I get an exemption?

The exemption scheme closed in 2006. The Part 1 syllabus and examination structure has changed markedly since then and the content is now mapped, alongside the Part 2 and Part 3 examinations, according to a ‘blueprint’ of the UK curriculum.

How many times can I attempt the Part 1 MRCOG?

Candidates intending to be entered on to the UK Specialist Register, now or in the future, are permitted no more than 6 attempts at the Part 1 MRCOG. There is no limit on attempts for candidates not in wishing to enter the UK Specialist Register. Candidates wishing to apply for the Part 1 MRCOG who have failed on 6 or more previous occasions need to provide supporting documentation from their Head of School outlining the exceptional reasons for permitting a further attempt at the exam. For more information, read the regulations on exam currency and number of attempts.

Is there a time limit between passing the Part 1 MRCOG and passing the Part 2 MRCOG?

No, but the College does require you to have attempted the Part 2 at least once within 7 years of passing the Part 1. You do not have to pass the Part 2 within 7 years, but if you do not even attempt it you will have to pass the Part 1 again. For more information, read the regulations on exam currency and number of attempts.

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