MRCOG Part 2 - Grand Mock - Paper 1 - EMQ - CL
Each of the following clinical scenarios below relate to of women choosing termination of pregnancy and appropriate regimen required. For each patient select the single most appropriate option from the list above. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all.
A.Clause A of abortion act 1967 B.Clause C of abortion act 1967 C.Clause E of abortion act 1967 D.Clause D of abortion act 1967 E.Clause B of abortion act 1967 F.Clause F of abortion act 1967 G.Clause G of abortion act 1967 H.inappropriate for termination I.None of the above Instructions -Each of the above Options describes Various clauses of abortion act 1967 .For each patient select the single most appropriate clause for termination from the list above. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all
A. Oxytocin 10 IU by IM injection B .Oxytocin 5 IU by slow IV injection C. Misoprostol D. Syntometrine intramuscular injection E. Ergometrine intramuscular injectionF .Oxytocin low dose infusion G. Oxytocin high dose infusion H .Uterine artery embolisationI. Uterine artery ligationJ .Caesarean hysterectomyK. Ergometrine intravenous injectionL. Internal iliac artery ligation Instruction: For each question posed below, choose the single most appropriate prophylactic oxytocic for management of the third stage of labour from the list above. The given option may be used once, more than once or not at all.
A A high concentration of oxygen (10-15 litres/minute)
B Urinary catheter
C Two 14-gauge IV cannula
D Commence crystalloid infusion
E Keep the woman wan
F Oxygen (10-15 litres/minute) and anaesthetic help
G Send investigations
H One 14-gauge IV cannula
I Recombinant factor Vila therapy
J Arrange blood
Instruction: For each question posed below, choose the single most appropriate initial management from the AsJ list above. The given option may be used once, more than once or not at all.
A summon help
B methotrexate
C bimanual compression
D fresh frozen plasma
E B Lynch suturing
F laparotomy/hysterectomy
G 40 units of oxytocin in 500S of normal saline
H intramuscular carboprost
I repeat Syntinnetrine
J examination under anaesthesia
K examination of the placenta
L intravenous access
M internal iliac artery ligation
N broad-spectrum antibiotics
O uterine packing
For each description below, choose the single most appropriate answer from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
A.Speculum examination B.Obstetric ultrasound for liquor volumeC.Insulin‐like growth factor‐binding protein 1 (IGFBP‐1) test on vaginal fluidD.Nitrazine test E.Consider prophylactic vaginal progesteroneF.Consider prophylactic cervical cerclageG.Consider both vaginal progesterone or cervical cercalage H.Start tocolysis + corticosteroids I.Arrange Trasvaginalscan J.Arrange fetal fibronectin test
What would be the next step of the management in the provided cases, you can choose the option once, more then once or none of them
A.No precautions requiredB.Avoid use of mid-cavity or rotational forceps C.use fetal scalp electrodes with cautionD.fetal scalp electrodes contraindicated E.treat the woman as healthy for the purpose of considering regional analgesiaF.Before considering regional analgesia and anaesthesia, take into account clinical history,the woman's G.preferences and anaesthetic expertise H.Avoid regional analgesia and anaesthesia under most circumstances For the provided cases, you can choose the option once, more then once or none of them
A.Suprapubic catheterB.Uretero-neocystostomyC.Renal ultrasoundD.Intraoperative cystoscopyE.Suprapubic catheter and Foley catheterF.Double-layered closure and continuous bladder drainage for 1 weekG.End-to-end anastomosis with a stentH.End-to-end anastomosisI.Boari flapJ.CT urogramK.Expectant managementL.Uretero-ureterostomyM.CystoscopyN.Percutaneous nephrostomyFor each description below, choose the single most appropriate answer fromthe above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once, ornot at all.
For each of the following clinical scenarios, choose the mostappropriate response. Each option may be used once, more than once,or not at all.A.Common perineal nerveB.Femoral nerveC.Genito-femoral nerveD.Ileo-hypogastric nerveE.Lateral cutaneous nerveF.Obturator nerveG.Pudendal nerveH.Sciatic nerveI.Tibial nerve
A .Insert Levonorgestrol – releasing intrauterine system (LNG – IUS)B.LNG – IUS for 6 monthsC.Continuous oral progesterone therapyD.Weight lossE.Cyclical oral progesterone therapyF.Repeat endometrial biopsy in 3 monthsG.Total abdominal hysterectomy + Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomyH.Repeat endometrial biopsy in 6 monthsI.Total laparoscopic hysterectomy + Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy J.DischargeK.Total laparoscopic hysterectomy + conservation of ovariesL.Endometrial ablationM.Continuous progesterone for 6 monthsN.Progesterone + endometrial surveillance in 3 monthsFor the following scenario, please choose the single most appropriate management plan from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
A.Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)+ vit B B.Continuous combined hormone replacement therapy (HRT)C.Cyclical norethisteroneD.DanazolE.Drospirenone-containing combined oral contraceptive pill (COCP)F.Evening primrose oilG.GnRH analogueH.LNG-IUSI.Micronised progesteroneJ.NorethisteroneK.Norethisterone-containing COCPL.Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)M.SpironolactoneN.TiboloneO.Transdermal oestradiolP.Vitamin B6 only
For each of the following clinical scenarios, what would be the most appropriate treatment option from the list above? Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all.
For each case described below, choose the single most likely drug management from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once, or not at all.A.Oxybutinin B.Tolteratidine C.Duloxetine D.Imipramine E.Desmopressin F.MirabegronG.Transdermal oxybutininH.Vaginal oestrogenI.BethanecolJ.Oral HRT
A.Cervical screeningB.refer to colposcopyC.large loop excision of the transformation zoneD.colposcopy-directed cervical biopsyE.high vaginal swab and Chlamydia swabF.reassuranceG.cone biopsy – knifeH.perform a first smear testI.await the next smear test resultsJ.punch biopsy of the cervix on naked-eye examinationK.Pipelle endometrial samplingL.hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsyM.smear test after childbirthN.refer to colposcopy within 2 weeksFor each description below, choose the single most appropriate answer from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
A.Repeat smear in six monthsB.Colposcopy in the second trimester to exclude high-grade pathologyC.Wedge biopsyD.Repeat smear in three yearsE.Repeat smear 3–4 months postnatallyF.Do not require colposcopyG.Cone biopsyH.Large loop excision of the transformation zone (LLETZ)I.Repeat smear in 12 monthsJ.Refer for colposcopyMatch the most appropriate management plan to the following scenario:
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